Activity Report of People
Activity Report of The People’s Voice Society till September 2021
I. An appeal has been made to Chief Ministers of all the states, Cabinet Ministers, Home Minister, Minister for Social Justice and PMO for creating awareness about the law on Inter -caste marriage enacted in 1955. Persistent efforts of society have resulted in positive outcomes.
II. Letters have been sent to all the Chief Ministers regarding the negative consequences of laws on Love Jihad. Such laws don’t augur well for the country and no state should enact these.
III. Letters have been sent to editors of all the newspapers, print media journalists, electronic media Journalists and web portals requesting them not to publish headlines with divisive content as such headlines tend to seed hatred. As a result of the continuous endeavors from society, now such news isn’t published that frequently.
IV. Society continuously emphasizes that apart from inter-caste marriages, inter-region/religion marriages should also be promoted and incentivized. letters in this regard have been sent to Chief Ministers of all the states, Cabinet Ministers, Home Minister, Minister for Social Justice, PMO, News Channels and editors of newspapers.
V. Partyless Government is the brainchild of THE PEOPLE’S VOICE . It is a new concept for the whole world. Society has started propagating the idea of a Partyless government on the national and international level. Letters on the subject of Partyless parliament has been sent to all the independent candidates of the 2019 general elections in 11 states. We have received few positive responses from the candidates of Rajasthan and Uttarakhand. Society is constantly in contact with them via E-mail and phone.
VI. Society feels that the basic purpose of NGOs is to serve social and political objectives such as humanitarian causes. Keeping this in view the concept of Partyless parliament has also been shared with the countries like Nepal and Israel which are going through political upheaval. Society has suggested this concept to their presidents
VII. Society is creating awareness on all the subjects discussed above through blogs and different social media platforms. All these platforms such as the TPV Facebook page, blog site are being updated timely.